Saturday, May 9, 2009

Virtual Dolls On The Move

Here it is...the first of it's kind. This is a virtual doll group of eleven doll makers that are having a "Flat Stanley" experience with their handmade art dolls. We will be posting our doll experiences as they travel around the country and elsewhere. A journal will be kept for each doll with the hostess during it's stay at their home. We will take the doll to new and different places, photographing the doll, and writing in the virtual journal. The journal will be put together by it's owner and shared when the eleven weeks are up.



  1. Nancye Love the New Blog. Graphics are wonderful and I can't wait to get started here with our Virtual Travelling Art Doll! Cheers

  2. When I figure this out I can hardly wait also!
    Love the Blog Nancye~

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Did anyone see my post about being confused?

  5. Wow Pattee you figured it out before me it has taken me all day to figure it out.I think I got it now. This should be fun.

  6. Are we supposed to send a journal with our doll? Or does some just write on paper about our doll when it gets there?

  7. Are we sending a picture of our doll,do we print it out and cut it out like Flat Stanley?
    I love this site,I think there is hope for me yet to figure this out!

  8. Ok this is how I understand it....
    I take a picture lets say of Lucy.
    I take that picture with me (or the doll?) and take pictures of it at different places where I live.
    Write in the journal I have selected (to keep at home).

    Then I send the picture of the doll to a person on the list. Where they will take pictures of them with the doll and they will pass that along to the next person....

    So what about the journal? Do they make journal entries to pass on to the next person?

    I can't believe I'm this confused... but I am! LOL!

  9. Wow, what a good idea, how fun! I can't wait to see more!
